Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Physiology and Psychology Influences on the Sexuality of Subject B

This began as something close to a love letter (really).
I've since edited it quite a bit both adding and subtracting and expanding.

The basic premise reads as being present tense but most of the particulars aren't.
He still needs to lose more bulk and to find the specific woman though.

I hope you enjoy.

The Physiology and Psychology Influences on the Sexuality of Subject B

The subject presents with certain underlying issues among these being some benign prostate hyplasia (BPH), a resultant degree of erectile dysfunction (ED), reduced testosterone level and the desensitizing effect of chronic masturbation all of which combined in this 50ish male to necessitate a coordinated therapeutic program consisting of sexual stimulation practices of a rather specific nature, changes in diet, increased exercise, and some pharmaceuticals to reliably produce the sort of full, throbbing and visibly eager sort of erection that would please or be capable of satisfactory penetrative sex on any sort of regular basis.

The exercise and diet regimen has involved common fitness and strength activities such as Nautilus and free weights in conjunction with a significantly restricted low carb and low sugar diet all focused on reducing Subject B’s weight level generally, stomach fat in particular, increasing his cardio capacity and muscle tone generally, and supplemented with Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.

The pharmaceutical regimen includes a daily 25mg of Clomiphene Citrate to enhance, or at least to not limit, the organic production of testosterone, a daily 10mg of Cialis to assist blood flow to the penis and help counter the weakened prostate symptoms. Additionally, a 20mg Viagra will be consumed prn.

It’s important to note that the pharmaceutical regimen can not induce an erection by itself. The drugs can only assist in allowing more blood flow to achieve more than mere tumescence. Achieving an erection, especially one that would be capable of satisfactory penetrative sex, shall always require arousing stimuli of one sort or another.

The biggest hindrances to achieving this goal, perhaps even more than the effects of metabolic changes in this 50ish male, are in knowing his own touch too well and not having a specific woman to focus his desire, libido and devotion upon.

The psychology regimen, based in well known behavior modification and aversion techniques, is the most important of the several approaches taken with the overarching goal being to re-condition Subject B’s arousal response to actual physical realities and in particular to the person of his therapist ~sexual partner.

Among the various conditioning techniques and other measures that the therapist will employ are strict requirements that Subject B not read any erotica no matter how well written, or to view any images of an erotic nature no matter how artistic, nor to self stimulate to any degree whatsoever; in fact he will not be allowed to touch his penis at all (bathing and urinating excepted) for the foreseeable future.

In immediate proximity to this woman, and it must be a woman, the power of her spirit and paddle arm should be more than enough to enforce the no touching dictate; however, this abstention will certainly require supervision generally and very likely the use of restraint devices; in particular when it is necessary for him to be left alone.

These restraints range from the simple reminder ribbon tied from his wrist and holding the hand beyond the required range of motion to the practical of a locked cock cage --with or without urethral tubes or electrical current-- to the unequivocal of full body restraint  which might include anal plugs or even torturous elements -- all depending on the whims and mood of this therapist.

None of this means that she shouldn’t touch him or his penis though. In fact, the therapeutic regimen rather requires that she touch Subject B and with significant frequency; the penis especially and any other parts of his body that her taste,
her desire or her curiosity might dictate; certainly at the outset.

The conditioning process also requires that an effective punishment scheme for non -
compliance with her direction be implemented. These should be carefully considered to avoid introducing any activity that could more properly be considered a reward. Her attentions to his needs should be thought reward enough.

The physiology of arousal, response and full blood flow to achieve the full throbbing eager erection that will meet his partners expectation can be achieved by combining repeated and planned sessions of direct stimulation with specific visual, verbal or other triggering stimuli that she chooses to imprint within him.

These triggering stimuli are likely to be quite varied, and include signals that might not ordinarily be considered especially arousing absent other context, but most will be easily used even in the most public of venues such as eyes, lips, a tongue tip, a finger tip, the silhouetted curve of a clothed breast, the skin seen within a cleavage.

These stimulation and arousal sessions will need to be frequent but few will allow him to ejaculate absent achieving the full throbbing eager erection required by his partner.
(Tease-Denial/Edging in the common vernacular).

Over the course of a day he could be aroused in this way to a nearly full erection quite often; perhaps even hourly. If he has been kept from ejaculation for any significant amount of time that arousal response will be prompt and with each subsequent cycle of Tease-Denial/Edging his erection will become progressively stronger for her.

The question is in how often the full length and GIRTH can be expected to be achieved. At the initiation of the therapeutic regimen that could be at least once per day. It is expected that over the course of time the therapies will promote an increase in the total number of full erections achieved per day and reduce the time required to achieve each.

At some point the full raging eager penis she expects will be available for her almost at the snap of her fingers if not constantly present. The principle variable being degree of semen retention that she will impose.

His native sexuality, his giving and caring reciprocal nature, his relationship with the woman who is quickly becoming his partner, all motivate him to balance the objective need of these therapeutic practices directed upon him by her -- with a just as frequently applied focus on her needs, her arousal and her satisfaction by him -- and to do so while maintaining a high orgasm ratio between them (a par ratio of of no less than 4:1 per day) even if it at the outset this will often be achieved by means other than penetrative sex.

At the outset of the conditioning process the number of arousal sessions per day -and the reciprocal attention to her needs- will be significant; easily rising to double digits if his partner can be available to that degree.

She could go deeper into the reconditioning methods and aversion practices and limit his arousal response to her exclusively and/or to whatever other person that she might allow or wish to see receive the attention of his arousal such as a trusted friend who could assist her in the therapies when she is unable to or just for their own amusement.

The reciprocating attentions by him will sometimes occur simultaneous to the therapeutic regimen but rarely as doing these detailed and attentive practices sequentially offers far fewer distractions and allows for each to make a far superior job of it all.

That “for her” aspect of his arousal and full throbbing eager erection though is the key to the entire dynamic between subject B and his partner as this erection is viewed by each of them as a gift for her -- something meant by nature for her enjoyment and his duty to provide for her -- a boon that demonstrates his affection and appreciation for her and all that she has become to him and in time what will surely be his deep love for her.

The woman capable of effecting these changes will have earned the full subconscious attention of Subject B such that merely focusing her eyes on him, even from across a room, will be enough to trigger the erection response in him.

She will look into his eyes as she stimulates him to erection paying close attention as his breathing quickens, speaking pointedly to him, into his subconscious, into his very soul. If she is satisfied by the quality of the erection or if he has been especially good she will occasionally reward her boy by bringing him to ejaculation in this position.

But however an ejaculation is allowed, whether by her hand, by her mouth or her very well lubricated squirmy center he will always be looking deep into her eyes as she allows what is quickly becoming her penis to flood it’s reward for both of them.

It's at this point where the tantric goals can begin to be realized. By incorporating other  ejaculation control conditioning and aversion techniques this woman will have a rock hard and eager erection available for her to climb on and ride at nearly any hour of the day which should allow her to enjoy far more than the 4:1 orgasm ratio the regimen began with.

When she is ready to allow him to ejaculate which is likely to also require a conditioned trigger she will be able to add even more orgasms to her day sourced by the oral attention that he will devote to her, for her, after that ejaculation. She could be expected to ride his face for quite a while.

The last and lingering question then becomes one of finding the sort of woman who would accept these needs in their partner, who would accept, ideally embrace, her role in effecting the therapeutic approaches inherent to that need with some degree of enthusiasm -- and who will be attracted to the man himself along with the other more ordinary and non-sexual aspects of a life together.

At the least these women would need to be sex positive, actually like men, and appreciate how applying her many skills toward this requisite therapy, a not insignificant effort and time commitment, would be balanced by him with a similar enthusiasm regarding her own sexual needs or preferences.

Straight women, even the most vanilla sort, could reasonably find satisfaction in relationship that included these practices --and the corollary reciprocation-- but it would require great effort to identify them as being sexually open enough to approach regarding the therapy in advance of the other more ordinary and non-sexual aspects of establishing what at root still needs to be a romantic relationship.

This is not impossible to achieve but finding them is far more likely to occur by happenstance than by any sort of calculated filtering effort especially in the context of online dating sites and the weak search tools available for their database.

Much of the therapy and the sexuality is fairly common practice in the FLR and Female Domination world and for that reason subject B has looked toward this community to find women who both understand the issues and who will also enjoy the several practices but with little success.

The problems encountered have been that many of these women have seemed rather angry and/or to not particularly like men and/or aren't inclined toward monogamy and most critically that nearly all will require a far deeper D/s relationship dynamic than the subject has ever been inclined toward or would consider absent the therapeutic need -- even if this was all occurring in the context of a relationship.

It seems that the most practical category to focus on are the women who self identify as both sex positive and kinky; the sort who are comfortable with D/s sex play and enjoy power exchange dynamics -- but who don’t self identify as exclusively submissive or dominant.

In short, a woman who is also a switch of some sort just like Subject B. A very kinky woman of appropriate age who will be attracted to the other ordinary and non-sexual aspects of a life with this generally or more substantially submissive man -- who is also capable to some degree of fulfilling the role of top when they occasionally need it.

Of Note: These women are likely to also have bisexual tastes which Subject B is entirely comfortable accommodating when enjoyed at an episodic and non- monogamous level that wouldn’t threaten the more important -if marginally limited- commitment to the monogamous love and caring adult relationship of partners that they both deeply desire.

edited  11/10/2016; 11/13/2016

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